ICYMI: Rep. Huffman Remarks at COP26 Press Conference in Glasgow

November 10, 2021

Washington, D.C. – On Wednesday, November 10, 2021, Congressman Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) delivered remarks during a press conference following a day of activities at COP26 Glasgow. Below are the congressman’s remarks:

COP26 JH Remarks

Click here to watch a recording of Rep. Huffman’s remarks. A full recording of the conference can be found here.

Representative Huffman:

“Thank you. Chair Castor used, I think, the most important word I can think of when we talk about the climate crisis: action. We are beyond being inspired by possibilities, by ideas, by advancing the debate.

“This is a decade of action, and the stakes of inaction have become all too clear. So, in order to translate our work into action – and those of us in the House of Representatives have a critical role to play – we need some inspiration, we need some optimism, we need to stay motivated.

“And we got plenty of that here at COP26. I think many of us were very energized after our meeting with Secretary Kerry yesterday, because his optimism is palpable. And so is his incredible substantive command of every single issue at stake in this climate crisis.

“And so, I am grateful for the opportunity to be here with our impressive American delegation – a delegation that is not just back in, but all in and leading in incredibly effective ways. And we will take that sense of optimism and inspiration back with us to Washington, because we’ve got work to finish in the House and in the Congress to make sure that we are all in as well.”